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The Food Bible - Volume 2

(Immunity and Problem Solving)

Purpose of publication: 'The Food Bible : Volume 2 (Immunity and Problem Solving)' is an internationally popular resource for learning various international languages related to nutrition and cooking. The main purpose of this book is to reinterpret traditional Korean cuisine and various ingredients from the East and West in a modern way, allowing readers to gain practical solutions for enh..
Purpose of publication:

'The Food Bible : Volume 2 (Immunity and Problem Solving)' is an internationally popular resource for learning various international languages related to nutrition and cooking.

The main purpose of this book is to reinterpret traditional Korean cuisine and various ingredients from the East and West in a modern way, allowing readers to gain practical solutions for enhancing immunity and leading a healthy life.

This book covers various health-related topics, including common difficulties for both men and women such as hair loss, obesity, urinary incontinence, menstrual irregularities, erectile dysfunction, and breastfeeding issues. It also addresses various topics such as postnatal care, child health, constipation, underarm odor, prostate health, prevention of hair loss and discoloration, strengthening immunity, respiratory health, and obesity prevention.

The primary objective of this book is to provide the latest research findings and expert advice on all these topics, helping readers solve their health problems and live a better life.

Through this book, readers can gain a deep understanding of their health and wellbeing, and learn practical methods to enjoy a healthy life. Consequently, this book will be able to establish its position as a global resource for learning international languages related to health and cooking.
About the author and the book:

As an author, I emphasize the importance of healthy eating habits and regular exercise, with the aim of helping people lead a healthy and happy life.

In the book 'The Food Bible : A Collection of Medicinal Foods for a Healthy Life', we cover topics related to boosting immunity and solving health problems in various languages, conveying important knowledge about health and nutrition through traditional Korean cuisine and cuisines from around the world.

As a person who loves to travel, I have gained deep knowledge about health and nutrition by experiencing various cuisines around the world. Based on this experience and knowledge, 'The Food Bible ' series' second book, 'Immunity and Problem Solving,' offers ways to foster healthy eating habits and solve various health problems.

This book aims to help readers enhance their immune function through food and learn methods to solve various health problems.

The practical advice and latest research findings provided in this book will help readers improve their quality of life by adopting healthy eating habits and making thoughtful food choices.

Through this book, readers will enhance their understanding of healthy eating habits and boosting immunity, gaining motivation to pursue a healthy life.

This aligns with my aspiration of helping people live a healthy and happy life.

㈜유페이퍼 대표 이병훈 | 316-86-00520 | 통신판매 2017-서울강남-00994 서울 강남구 학동로2길19, 2층 (논현동,세일빌딩) 02-577-6002 help@upaper.kr 개인정보책임 : 이선희